Mauka Estate Red Bourbon
  • Mauka Estate Red Bourbon
  • Freshly roasted coffee beans cooling in a large roasting drum at Greenwell Farms
  • Close-up of unripe green coffee cherries

Mauka Estate Red Bourbon

Mauka Estate Red Bourbon

Regular price $49.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.95 USD
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SKU: 300441

Product Category:

100% Kona Coffee

Grind & Size : Required

Red Bourbon, the 2023 State Grand Champion in the Hawaii Coffee Association Statewide cupping contest (First in Kona plus highest score in the state) there are no words to truly describe this coffee.  It is a true staff favorite, and although there is an endless flow of descriptors (brown sugar, spice, stone fruit, floral, etc.) the one world that first time sippers use most is “Flavorful.”

From Ethiopia to Yemen, then planted in the Bourbon islands (Now the Reunion Islands) then spread throughout coffee growing regions of the world, Red Bourbon Coffee has always been a globally prized variety for its potential to astound the flavor buds.  


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Michele Perez
Rich and delicious

I have enjoyed all the estate beans that have come out over this past year. This one is a little deeper, richer, and "chocolatey". Like all the coffees from Greenwell, this is something worth waking up to.

Wade Terry

The smell and the taste are fantastic!!! Great pot of coffee!

Richard Brounstein
New Kona coffee

We always love to try the special plantation coffee and Red Bourbon did not disappoint. Very smooth to drink but with all the flavors we expect in the highest quality Kona coffee. We always choose whole bean. Grinding just before brewing is easy and worth it.


The Red Bourbon coffee is very similar to Greenwells other products. This coffee has delicious flavor and its hard to put down. I have yet to have an average coffee from Greenwell Farms.

Joseph Barton

Not an ordinary coffee for sure. I liked the lower to medium acid, the creaminess and the after taste of sweet caramel. The aroma is powerful and inviting even to the non-coffee drinker in the house. Happy to have had the experience. Too bad it is limited in supply.